Rec & Tumbling

Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy
Tuesday, February 18 - All morning classes canceled thru noon. 

Rec & Tumbling

We invite you to browse all of the available classes for students of all ages. Use the left menu navigation to select gender, age, and date sessions.

Fees are due on the first of each month and considered late after the 10th. All students will be required to have a debit or credit card on file for payments. These will be run the first day of the month. If you do not want your card charged, you must pay before that month. For example, if you do not want your card charged for April, you must pay by March 31. In addition, if you decide to drop and do not notify us by the time the card is run, there will be no refunds. It is up to you to tell us about card changes and changed expiration dates. Failure to pay on time will result in a $10.00 late fee, for which you will be billed. Tuition is paid by the calendar month. If you start before the 16th, a full month is due; the 16th and after, half a month. A gymnastics month is 3 - 5 weeks. Because of holidays, some months are shorter. However, we do not charge you extra for long months.

1 x week class: $65/month (45-minute class) $70/month (55-minute class)
2 x week class: $115/month (45-minute class) $125/month (55-minute class)

Similar discounts are applied for multiple siblings