Girls: School Year 2024-2025
These classes include instruction on all Olympic events and are divided by ability. The program is structured so that gymnasts are rewarded as they progress through various skill levels. We have skill charts for each level. When the gymnasts pass certain skills, they receive an achievement ribbon. They continue to receive skill achievement ribbons as they move through the program. When they pass each level, they are invited to move to the next level. We also have special Gold Medal skills. Any time a gymnast accomplishes these skills, they receive a ribbon for passing the skill! Classes meet once or twice a week for 55-minutes each time. These classes are for children 6 years and older. Younger children should enter our pre-school program.
This class is for girls that are 6 years old and up. If you are new to gymnastics, everyone starts in this class. The emphasis is on building basic skills, strength and having fun! If you have had some gymnastics experience, you can request to be evaluated to see where you fit in our program.
Advanced Beginner
This class is for girls that are 6 years old and up and have completed our Beginner class. The emphasis is on building basic skills, strength and having fun!
To enroll into these classes, you must be recommended from a Beginner class. If you have experience or feel you are ready for this class, you can call the office for an evaluation. You must register for these classes at the front desk or by calling our office at 405-447-7500.
Once you have completed the Advanced Beginner program, you can move to our Intermediate class. The gymnasts work on more difficult skills as they move through this level.
To enroll into these classes, you must be recommended from an Advanced Beginner class. If you have experience or feel you are ready for this class, you can call the office for an evaluation. You must register for these classes at the front desk or by calling our office at 405-447-7500.
Once you have completed the skills in our Intermediate class, you can move into Advanced. This class is our highest level for our recreational classes. Girls in this class will be challenged with higher-level skills.
To enroll into these classes, you must be recommended from an Intermediate class. If you have experience or feel you are ready for this class, you can call the office for an evaluation. You must register for these classes at the front desk or by calling our office at 405-447-7500.
If you are not sure about your level, contact the office at 405-447-7500.
Registration Fee
This fee is non-refundable and covers the costs of opening and maintaining your account for the year. Fee covers from when the student starts instruction until Sept. 1 of each year (Registration fees paid for the summer sessions will carry over to the school year).
First child – $30
Each additional child – $20
Fees are due on the first of each month and considered late after the 10th. All students will be required to have a debit or credit card on file for payments. These will be run the first day of the month. If you do not want your card charged, you must pay before that month. For example, if you do not want your card charged for April, you must pay by March 31. In addition, if you decide to drop and do not notify us by the time the card is run, there will be no refunds. It is up to you to tell us about card changes and changed expiration dates. Failure to pay on time will result in a $10.00 late fee, for which you will be billed. Tuition is paid by the calendar month. If you start before the 16th, a full month is due; the 16th and after, half a month. A gymnastics month is 3 - 5 weeks. Because of holidays, some months are shorter. However, we do not charge you extra for long months.
1 x week class: $65/month (45-minute class) $70/month (55-minute class)
2 x week class: $115/month (45-minute class) $125/month (55-minute class)
There are additional discounts for siblings, similar to the discount for enrolling in more than one class per week.