Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy


BCGA Competes 31 Boys at Regional Championships

Level 10 Team Regionals- 6th Place
Nathan Glaser, Will Sheppard, Brad Martin, Andre Pelletier, Jordan Kovach, Alex Bates, Josh Jenkins

The Bart Conner Gymnastics Academy competed 31 athletes at the Region 3 Men's Junior Championships, held in Oklahoma City. The Academy qualified: Level 6 -9, Level 7-3, Level 8 - 4, Level 9 - 5 and Level 10 - 10. This was the largest number of qualifiers from any gym in Oklahoma!  In addition, the academy had numerous individual champions. The Level 10 team was 6th, and Level 6, 10-11, was also 6th. Quite an achievement for Regionals! The Academy also qualified 8 boys to the Junior Olympic National Championships, in Daytona Beach, Florida. That is the most every qualified from the BCGA and only one other gym had one qualifier in the state. Quite an achievement!